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Complicated Grief Interventions

Does your loss feel like it just happened?


Do you feel down all the time?


Maybe you lost someone unexpectedly or suddenly, and it’s hard to feel like going on day-to-day. Or perhaps you lost someone a long time ago and you haven’t felt okay since. You might replay the loss in your mind because it's just too awful to accept.


Perhaps your friends and family notice that you seem spaced out and disconnected from life. Even if you do smile or have fun occasionally, you might feel guilty.


Whatever it is that you’re experiencing, you’re starting to notice how this impacts your life:

  • Your emotions feel huge and unpredictable; you have bouts of crying, anger, confusion, or fear


  • You don’t seem to care about things that used to interest you or entertain you


  • You're often yearning for and thinking about the person you lost.

Holding Hands

Grief Therapy helps you do four main things:


  • Have a safe, accepting place to talk about the changes you’re going through with your grief


  • Come to terms with the reality of your loss, so it doesn’t interfere with your everyday life


  • Work through the shock of the loss so you don’t have to think about it repeatedly and relive it


  • Make meaning of the loss and find ways to live your life with purpose, so you can honor what you lost without being imprisoned by it.


  • I’ll help through this process, tailoring each step to your unique needs and circumstances. My approach to complicated grief therapy comes from a place of honoring your emotions while building strengths and coping tools. We give you a chance to be yourself and experience the grief, while not letting it dominate your thoughts and emotions constantly.


It’s time to live fully in the present and allow yourself to feel joy again.


I can help you get there.

FAQs about Complicated Grief Therapy


Q: What are complicated grief therapy sessions like?

A: You have a place to tell your loss story, but we mainly focus on helping you cope with the pain of the loss. I assess how the loss impacts your life and we focus on the symptoms that give you the most trouble. Then we remove any barriers to letting the grief proceed naturally.


Q: What techniques do you use in complicated grief therapy?

A: Treating complicated grief can involve many different tools and techniques. The ones I favor are Ericksonian clinical hypnosis, EMDR therapy if there was a sudden, violent or unexpected death that traumatized you, and Solution Focused Brief Therapy to help you consider how you’ve been coping and what works already in your response to the loss.


Q: How do I know if complicated grief therapy will work for me?

A: Generally, with complicated grief, doing nothing to restore normal functioning is harmful to your wellbeing. While, as mentioned above, there are many ways to address complicated grief, you will likely benefit from my gentle, knowledgeable approach that emphasizes your strengths and resources. We can speak more about your concerns when you call me at 661-233-6771.


Q: How do we get started?

A: You can call me at 661-233-6771 and we can schedule an initial brief consultation to see whether my services can help you. Next, if you feel that complicated grief therapy will help you, we can schedule an intake session and start treatment on the goals that we establish in the first intake session.

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